In order to ensure maximum satisfaction and quality of the products and services offered, sustainable management of its production processes, and the health and safety of its employees and collaborators, Fabbri Group has voluntarily chosen to implement some of the most significant internationally recognised system certifications.
Fabbri Group Certifications

ISO 9001: 2015
Quality Management System
At the end of the 90s, Fabbri Group’s production plants adopted Quality Management Systems certified in accordance with UNI EN ISO 9001, with the aim of guaranteeing the highest quality of the products offered to the customers. The same certification attests, as part of the production process of the film factories of Vignola and Muzzano, compliance with good manufacturing practices (the so-called GMP) with the aim of meeting the necessary hygiene requirements and applicable to plastic films on the basis of the HACCP model.
Since 2009 the company has crossed the boundaries of the plant by adopting a single transversal Quality Management System, whose certification evidence is reported below:
- UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate for Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A.
- UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certificate for Gruppo Fabbri Svizzera S.A.
- Quality Policy of Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A. and Gruppo Fabbri Svizzera S.A.
In 2015, Fabbri Group also certified its French subsidiary:

Certification BRC
The BRC (British Retail Consortium) standard sets out the hygiene requirements for food processing plants and food supply chains, including food packaging manufacturers. The purpose of the BRC standard is to strengthen and promote food safety throughout the supply chain and to standardise and disseminate the criteria against which large-scale distribution organisations and/or accredited certification bodies, carry out conformity checks on the hygienic issues of the production processes, the wholesomeness of the products and the safety of the final consumer.

ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System
Fabbri Group received its first certification of the Environmental Management System in 2002 for the Vignola film factory, demonstrating how a chemical processing plant could control and virtuously contain its impact on the environment by adopting an environmental sustainability policy. Subsequently, all the production plants have adhered to the same certification scheme. Since 2012, the Group has adopted a transversal Environmental Management System, with the aim of improving its eco-sustainability performance through the comparison of the different companies. In 2015, the companies Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A. and Gruppo Fabbri Svizzera SA managed the transition to the 2015 edition of the ISO 14001 standard, providing, among other things, a structured approach to risk management with regards to the environmental issues. The commitment of Fabbri Group towards eco-sustainability is formalized in the document of “Environmental Policy”, which is the guide for the application and maintenance of the Environmental Management System.

ISO 45001:2018
Health and Safety Management System
The company’s top management considers the certification of the company’s health and safety management system (first according to OHSAS 18001:2007 and then according to UNI ISO 45001:2018) an effective tool to optimize the risk management of its employees. Through continuous monitoring and analysis of any non-conformities, accidents and missed accidents and full compliance with the constantly evolving mandatory legislation, the Company, which considers prevention as an essential element of its approach, aims to verify and continuously adapt its performance in the field of health and safety at work.

EMAS Registration
UE 2018/2026 Regulation
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary scheme for companies and organisations, public and private, either based in the territory of the European Community or outside, and which wish to engage in evaluating and improving their environmental efficiency. EMAS is primarily intended to improve the environment and sustainability and to provide organisations, supervisory authorities and citizens with a tool for obtaining information on the environmental performance of organisations. The EMAS Registration is issued by a technical committee of the Ministry of the Environment that attests to the commitment to the eco-sustainability of companies and compliance with legislation and environmental provisions. Vignola’s film factory joined EMAS in 2002 and is one of the first companies in Italy and, by far, as the first company in the field of film production for food packaging. In 2009, the EMAS scheme was extended to include the Vignola Head Office and Machinery Plant, followed in 2012 by the Milan Head Office. You can download the EMAS registration certificate below and find the links to download the national and European lists of registered organisations:
- EMAS registration certificate for Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A.
- List of EMAS registered organisations
- EMAS official website
The environmental statement that, as part of the EMAS registration, the company Gruppo Fabbri Vignola S.p.A. updates on an annual basis and that summarizes its environmental performance, can be requested at the email address:
Product Certifications
In line with a company policy of transparency and continuous improvement of its product standards, Fabbri Group has undertaken a voluntary product certification path for its films Nature Fresh, Nature Lid, Biobased Star Film and Pexy, that have obtained specific certifications for compostability, biodegradability or recyclability, as shown below.

Industrial and domestic compostability certifications for Nature Fresh bioplastic film
Nature Fresh is the innovative compostable bioplastic film developed by Fabbri Group to meet the increasingly urgent demand from consumers, industry and institutions for packaging materials with minimal impact on the environment.
According to the EN 13432 standard and to national standards for home composting, Nature Fresh is certified as suitable for both domestic composting (TÜV Austria), and industrial composting (TÜV Austria, “Seedling” of European Bioplastics, Italian Consortium of Composters “CIC”).
Nature Fresh is also certified compostable in North America according to the ASTM D6400 standard (commercial compostability certification issued by the Biodegradable Products Institute ‘BPI’).
Nature Fresh is also available in a version printed with compostable inks, certified for industrial compostability (“Seedling” of European Bioplastics, BPI): at the customer’s request, the certification logo can be printed on the pack, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the certifying body, to communicate to consumers its commitment to environmental protection, while providing useful information on the proper disposal of the film.
If you are interested in developing a printed film project with us, please contact us here.

Industrial compostability certification for the bioplastic film Nature Lid dedicated to heat-sealing packaging.
Following the stretch film Nature Fresh, Nature Lid is the revolutionary “lid” film, available in standard and barrier versions, from Fabbri Group, certified for industrial compostability by TÜV Austria according to the EN 13432 standard. Nature Lid is the ideal choice for heat-sealing and protective atmosphere packaging, using an eco-friendly, high-performance material that enhances the product while meeting the needs of environmentally conscious consumers.
If you are interested in developing a printed film project with us, please contact us here.

"OK-biobased®" certification for BIOBASED STAR FILM bioplastic film
BIOBASED STAR FILM is certified “OK Biobased®” by TÜV Austria through the C14 isotope survey method, which determines the percentage of carbon from renewable raw materials on the total organic carbon (% bio-based carbon).It is a simple, precise and scientific method, which only identifies the percentage of raw material of renewable and vegetable origin used in the formulation of the film.
The certification allows then to include the use of BIOBASED STAR FILM in the sustainability report of companies operating in the packaging sector, which reduce the use of materials from fossil sources in favor of alternatives based on renewable sources. BIOBASED STAR FILM is also available in printed version: on request , the certification logo can be printed on the packaging, in compliance with the guidelines provided by the certifying body, to communicate to the final customer their commitment to the protection of the environment.
If you want to develop a graphic project with us, please feel free to contact us

Recyclability certification for PE-based film PEXY
PEXY, PE-based Fabbri Group film, ideal for the packaging of any type of food and highly performing even under 0°, has obtained from the Dual System Interseroh Dienstleistungs GmBh, through its “Made For Recycling” evaluation method validated by the Fraunhofer IVV Institute and tests carried out at the Maribor* laboratory – a reference on the international scene – evidence of recyclability with the maximum score envisaged by the method itself.
*The centre of competence for plastics recycling of environmental services provider Interseroh in Maribor, Slovenia.
If you want more info, please feel free to contact us