The prevention of crimes and gender-based violence is not only an individual responsibility but a collective commitment. For this reason, in collaboration with the Carabinieri Command of Sassuolo, Fabbri Group hosted an informative campaign aimed at all its staff, focused on raising awareness and disseminating knowledge on the crucial issues of gender-based violence, bullying, and stalking.

Guided by Captain Michele Ognissanti, the employees explored the topic in its various facets and acquired valuable insights on how to effectively prevent and address these issues in their daily lives. The active participation and numerous questions posed by the attendees demonstrated a strong interest and the importance attributed to these themes.

By building social networks and sharing the knowledge gained with our family and acquaintances, especially children and teenagers, we can do our part to create a safer and more peaceful society,” concluded the Captain, thanking Gruppo Fabbri Vignola for their attention and sensitivity towards the issues discussed.

The CEO, Stefano Pellegatta, also confirmed: “Gruppo Fabbri Vignola will continue to actively promote a culture of prevention and respect among its employees and in the community where it operates, based on the involvement and awareness of each individual.”

These meetings align with the Company’s Code of Ethics, which emphasizes “Impartiality and an absolute prohibition of discrimination.” The code states: “Any form of discrimination based on age, gender, sexuality, health and physical integrity, race, nationality, religious and political beliefs is prohibited by Gruppo Fabbri Vignola in the performance of its activities and in pursuit of its objectives. Gruppo Fabbri Vignola condemns all forms of harassment and undue bullying in the workplace: the Company expects its employees to be inspired by principles of mutual respect and tolerance in carrying out their work, in order to ensure an atmosphere free from intimidation and violence, including psychological violence. Similarly, the activities and behaviors of the recipients of this Code of Ethics must be guided by the aforementioned principles, rejecting any form of discrimination.”

Gruppo Fabbri

Author Gruppo Fabbri

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